Saturday, April 28, 2007

April 24th

That Fresh Radio Piece

April 24th

* Fresh Piece
o Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
+ TFRP journeyed to another event during the recent UMD Call to Activism week, this one held by the Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) and the Nat'l Organization for Reform of Marijuana Legislation (NORML). Peter Crist of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), a group of ex-police officers who are working to reform drug policy in this country, spoke.
o Dr. Jared Ball
+ Part 2 of our chat with Dr. Jared Ball, of Free Mix Radio. He discussed the COINTEL Program in the country along with the effects of media consolidation, and the mission of the Free Mix tape.
o Flight of the Bumblebee
+ Curtis discusses the importance of the bee in cross pollinating various plants, and how 40% of the East Coast bee population has died out. Fresh Climate Check.

* Media:
Media Cash in on Jackson, NY Newsday
More TV's than People in Average US home, USA Today
Effects of Television on Metabolic Rate: Potential Implications For Childhood Obesity
* Headlines:
o International
World Bank Oversight Board Calls on Wolfowitz to Resign, International Herald Tribune
o Venezuela's Chavez: US Harboring 'Terrorist' Jet Bomber, Agence Franch-Presse National
Study: Lethal Injection Method Flawed, LA Times
o Congress Set to Defy Bush on Iraq War, Reuters Local
Univ. to offer classes on Latino Americans, Diamondback
Two more Maryland soldiers die in Afghanistan, Iraq, PJ Gazette

# Playlist

* 1 DuckTales Theme DuckTales
* 2 Santana Spanish Rumba
* 3 DC Reto Esposa Mia
* 4 Michael Franti & Spearhead All the Freaky People
* 5 Bob Dylan The Man In Me
* 6 Bob Dylan Masters of War
* 7 Sister Nancy Bam Bam
* 8 Marvin Gaye Ego Trippin Out
* 9 Pink Floyd Have a Cigar


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