Sunday, October 21, 2007

October 17th

That Fresh Radio Piece

October 17th
# Fresh Piece

* Genevieve Villamora
o Genevieve Villamora, Assistant Director of Engaged University Initiative, enters WMUC to discuss the mission of Engaged University and their work towards bringing together the city of CollegE Park with all the various peoples of College Park. Their current work is focused on a school/community center known as the Center for Educational Partnership.
* Myat Noezaw, a student, and Minn, Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admissions
o Myat and Minn are refugees from Burma. Myat is currently with Amnesty Intl. while Minn has done peace activism in the 80s against the dictatorship. They talk about their various experiences with the military dictatorship putting the situation into historical perspective. They also discussed what is happening now in Burma, after the violent offense by the military recently against monks, students, and others.

# Headlines:

* International
o Turkey seeks OK for military move into northern Iraq, Boston Globe
* National
o Turkey seeks OK for military move into northern Iraq, NY Times
o US Covering Up Iraqi Corruption, Agence France Presse
* Local
o As Hundreds Testify, Pr. William's Vote on Immigrant Plan Goes Late, Washington Post

# Music

* 1 Guajira Van No. 1 de. No. 1
* 2 People's Proverb Power of perception
* 3 Nas Purple
* 4 Bill Quinn kur-kur-bar-dar
* 5 Silvio Rodriguez Nuestro Tema
* 6 Bill Quinn
* 7 Lila Downs La Chucarracha
* 8 Lila Downs La Tequillera


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