March 20th
That Fresh Radio Piece
March 20th
* Fresh Piece: 4th Anniversary of Iraq Invasion Special
o Cable News Confidential: Misadventures in Corporate Media
+ Jeff Cohen, founder of FAIR discusses his new book Cable News Confidential, which details the poor state of corporate media he experienced while being a pundit for CNN, FOX, and MSNBC. Jeff makes the connections between the journalistic failings leading up to the 2003 Iraq invasion and the experiences he wrote about.
o Operation First Casualty
+ Garett Reppenhagen, a former sniper in Iraq and now chairman of Iraq Veterans Against the War, reports back on the recent launch of Operation First Casualty. Veterans and others re-created in Washington, DC some of the patrolling, detaining, and other situations that happen daily in Iraq because, as the saying goes, when war comes, the first casualty is truth.
o Media:
See Jeff Cohen Fresh Piece
o Headlines:
+ International
Civilian Toll: Iraqis Exhibit More Mental Health Problems, San Francisco Chronicle
Rivers run towards 'crisis point', BBC News
+ National
Leahy Intends to Subpoena Bush Officials, Associated Press
White House Security Chief Reveals No Probe of Plame Leak There, Editor & Publisher
+ Local
Thousands Join March on Pentagon in Iraq Protest, Independent UK
o Statistics:
Latin American Migrant Money Tops Aid, BBC News
Pessimism 'growing among Iraqis', BBC News
* Playlist
o 1...Theme...................The Price is Right
o 2...Unknown.................Rainfall
o 3...Umphrey's McGee.........In the Kitchen
o 4...Daft Punk...............Face to Face
o 5...Committments............Dark End of the Street
o 6...Damien Rice.............Volcano (Instrumental)
o 7...Alice Deejay............Better Off Alone
o 8...Barrington Levy.........Here I Come
o 9...Shy Child...............Summer
o 10..Shy Child...............Sunshine