Sunday, March 25, 2007

March 20th

That Fresh Radio Piece

March 20th

* Fresh Piece: 4th Anniversary of Iraq Invasion Special
o Cable News Confidential: Misadventures in Corporate Media
+ Jeff Cohen, founder of FAIR discusses his new book Cable News Confidential, which details the poor state of corporate media he experienced while being a pundit for CNN, FOX, and MSNBC. Jeff makes the connections between the journalistic failings leading up to the 2003 Iraq invasion and the experiences he wrote about.
o Operation First Casualty
+ Garett Reppenhagen, a former sniper in Iraq and now chairman of Iraq Veterans Against the War, reports back on the recent launch of Operation First Casualty. Veterans and others re-created in Washington, DC some of the patrolling, detaining, and other situations that happen daily in Iraq because, as the saying goes, when war comes, the first casualty is truth.

o Media:
See Jeff Cohen Fresh Piece

o Headlines:
+ International
Civilian Toll: Iraqis Exhibit More Mental Health Problems, San Francisco Chronicle
Rivers run towards 'crisis point', BBC News
+ National
Leahy Intends to Subpoena Bush Officials, Associated Press
White House Security Chief Reveals No Probe of Plame Leak There, Editor & Publisher
+ Local
Thousands Join March on Pentagon in Iraq Protest, Independent UK

o Statistics:
Latin American Migrant Money Tops Aid, BBC News
Pessimism 'growing among Iraqis', BBC News
* Playlist
o 1...Theme...................The Price is Right
o 2...Unknown.................Rainfall
o 3...Umphrey's McGee.........In the Kitchen
o 4...Daft Punk...............Face to Face
o 5...Committments............Dark End of the Street
o 6...Damien Rice.............Volcano (Instrumental)
o 7...Alice Deejay............Better Off Alone
o 8...Barrington Levy.........Here I Come
o 9...Shy Child...............Summer
o 10..Shy Child...............Sunshine

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

March 13th

That Fresh Radio Piece

March 13th

* Fresh Piece
o Dr. Jared Ball
+ We have for this week an interview/discussion with Jared Ball, where he talks about the misportrayal and misrepresentation of Martin Luther King Jr., the image and message of Malcolm X, and the Counter-Intelligence Program ran by the FBI during, as well as after these leaders' times. This is part one of our interview with Dr. Ball, who is very active in various areas, including the FreeMix Tape.

* Media:

* Headlines:
o International
Iran president seeks UN audience
'Binding' carbon targets proposed, BBC
o Internal Audit Questions IMF's Role in Africa, Inter Press Service National
White House Demands Dismissal of Spy Suit, San Francisco Gate
Bush Seeks 8200 More Troops for Wars, AP
Rove Was Asked to Fire U.S. Attorney, McClatchy Newspapers
o Local
Iranian journalist speaks on democracy, Diamondback
Group to Offer AP Exam Extra Credit: $250, Washington Post
Movement for Voting Rights Gains Ground, Loses Interest, Washington Post
* Statistics:

# Playlist

* 1 Hector Lavoe Todo Tiene Su Final
* 2 Courtney Dowe Don't Go Back to Sleep
* 3 Mos Def Umi Says
* 4 Arrested Development Since the Last Time
* 5 Hot Chip Just Like We (Breakdown)
* 6 Alabina Baila Maria
* 7 Willie Colon & Ruben Blades Chica Plastica
* 8 Diego, Dice, and Kenny

Saturday, March 10, 2007

March 6th

That Fresh Radio Piece

March 6th

* Fresh Piece
o War and Life in Iraq
+ We broadcast the National Radio Project's "War and Life in Iraq" documentary. This is the synopsis: Car bombings, roadside bombs, new governments and the latest body counts of dead U.S. soldiers... there's no shortage of news coverage of Iraq these days. Yet, it's very difficult to get a clear picture of daily life for the 25 million people who call Iraq home. Shortly after the fall of Saddam Hussein, Making Contact's Aaron Glantz traveled to Iraq as an un-embedded journalist for Pacifica Radio. He criss-crossed the country interviewing regular Iraqis and returned to write a book called "How America Lost Iraq." Now, back in the U.S., he continues to report on the conflict in collaboration with Iraqi journalist Salam Talib. Together, they offer a unique window into life in wartime.

* Media:
Rich Media, Poor Democracy from Free SpeechTV

* Headlines:
o International
New Iraqi Oil Law Seen as Cover for Privatization, Inter Press Service
China About to Pass US as World's Top Generator of Greenhouse Gases, San Francisco Chronicle
o National
Libby Found Guilty in CIA Leak Case, Washington Post
US to Develop New Hydrogen Bomb, Los Angeles Times
o Local
Living Lightly on the Grid, Washington Post
MS-13 Trials Quelling Gang Activity, The Gazette

* Statistics:
Most Support US Guarantee of Health Care, NY Times

# Playlist

* 1 Tom Petty Freedom
* 2 Masta Ace Tarzan Boy
* 3 Raekwon I Dont Want Nobody to Give me Nothing
* 4 Black Market Milita Say it Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud
* 5 Asheru Under Pressure
* 6 Electric Light Orchestra Livin' Thing
* 7 Alice Deejay Better Off Alone
* 8 Al Green Let's Stay Together
* 9 Moby Honey
* 10 Chopin Revolutionary Etude

February 27th

That Fresh Radio Piece

February 27th

* Fresh Piece
o Zach Knorr
+ Zach Knorr, of the United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS), spoke to us about the University of Maryland's connections/ benefits from sweatshops, as well as what students are doing to end this exploitative practice.
o Amos Wilson
+ Amos Wilson, scholar and academic speaks on the Black psychology and its affect on the Black mentality, family, and society (courtesy of VoxUnion)

* Media:
THE LOW POST: Medicare vs. Britney

* Headlines:
o International
US Iran Intelligence "Is Incorrect", Guardian
Report: US Military Used Ethiopian Airstrip for Somalia Strikes, NY Times
March denounces child trafficking, BBC
o Guatemalan Peace Activist to Run for President, Los Angeles Times National
Senate Dems Back Away From Repeal of War Authority, Democracy Now
U.S. Opens New Prison To Hold Mostly Arab Muslims, Washington Post
o Military health system needs help, Associated Press Local
Tax-increase discussions under way, Baltimore Sun
Arlington Budget Seeks 5% Increase, Washington Post
O'Malley Seeks End To Md. Executions Washington Post
* Statistics:
Report: UK to Send 1,000 Troops to Afghanistan Nearly Half of Palestinians "Food Insecure"

# Playlist

* 1 Free Mix Radio Freedom
* 2 Baltimora Tarzan Boy
* 3 James Brown I Dont Want Nobody to Give me Nothing
* 4 James Brown Say it Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud
* 5 Queen and David Bowie Under Pressure
* 6 Terminalogy Fifty Bodies
* 7 Jungle Book I Wanna Be Like You
* 8 Common Song for Asada
* 9 Masta Ace Big City
* 10 Chopin Revolutionary Etude