Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March 23rd 2009

March 23rd's show:

* Tribute to Richard Aoki
First, we had a tribute to Richard Aoki, former Black Panther who passed away on Sunday. He was the only Asian American to hold a formal leadership role in the organization, and leaves a legacy of activism and third-world solidarity.

* Health Care Reform
We also look into the health care crisis and the potential for reform. We've gathered data from a variety of recent reports outlying the huge disparities in access and quality of health care along the lines of face, ethnicity, age, gender, and national orgin. We also play a radio documentary report from Amy Goodman of Democracy Now describing single payer health care systems and where the Obama administration stands on reform.

* Forever Nevermore
For the second hour the local band ForeverNevermore featuring Greg Gephardt and Nabeen Singha join us at the station for a session...of music.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 9th 2009

This week's show includes fresh piece from:

Jorge Aguilar of Food and Water Watch: Food and Water Watch is a nonprofit consumer organization that works to ensure clean water and safe food. Jorge discusses in particular the many issues dealing with water: water ownership, bottled water industry, regulation, cleanliness, and worldwide access to water.

Michael Ratner: We play an interview from Democracy Now with Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights. He discusses the recently revealed Bush era memos allowing the military to operate in this country without respect for the 1st or 4th amendment, extraordinary rendition and torture, as well as domestic surveillance and wiretapping. In addition Ratner analyzes what other Bush memos might still be in secret.

All this plus headlines from the international, national, and local sphere, and fresh tunes throughout. For more info check out